Texas Soil Profiles


Vol. 21 No. 2

December 2003

Published by the Professional Soil Scientists Association of Texas


In this Issue...


2003 PSSAT Officers

2004 PSSAT Annual Meeting Information

PSSAT Membership Opportunities ...Jamey Douglass

PSSAT Absentee Ballot Note

James Greenwade Poem - Possible Poem Contest? ...Susan Casby-Horton


2003 PSSAT Officers

President - Maurice Jurena
President-Elect - Richard Drees
Vice President - Tom Feurerbacher
Treasurer - Kelly Attebury
Editor - Susan Casby-Horton



2004 PSSAT Annual Meeting Information


The 2004 PSSAT Annual Meeting is slated for Wednesday , February 11 th at C & J Barbeque, 1010 Texas Avenue in Bryan. As in the past, a social hour will begin at 6:00 p.m., barbeque dinner ($7.00 plus tax) at 7:00 p.m., and the Annual Business Meeting will commence at approximately 7:30 p.m. The election of officers, Geoscientist certification in Texas, Smithsonian Soils Exhibit, and committee reports will be the topics of discussion.

We appreciate that Dr. Richard Drees has graciously agreed to "move up" from President-Elect and serve as PSSAT President in 2004.  We all wish (for him) a continued recovery with health and prosperity in the upcomming year.



PSSAT Membership Opportunities ...Jamey Douglass



Jamey Douglass provided the results of a preliminary poll that he conducted on Geoscientist licensure of "Soil Scientists" within Texas. The numbers are generated from information on the Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists website (http://www.tbpg.state.tx.us/).

According to Jamey's numbers, and as of December 22, 2003, 116 applicants are approved as licensed Soil Scientists, of which 58 (50%) are or have been PSSAT members (rough estimate, based on memory and not current member roster). Of the 58 applications pending for Soil Scientist licensure, 17 (29%) are PSSAT members. Jamey commented that he is familiar with many licensure applicants who are not PSSAT members, mostly through professional meetings. He also mentioned that this review indicates a significant number of professional soil scientists within Texas are not currently PSSAT members and should be approached for membership - a professional and membership opportunity .



PSSAT Absentee Ballot Note


If you are unable to attend the Annual Meeting and would like to cast an absentee vote, please consult your latest paper issue of Texas Soil Profiles (Volume 21, Number 2, December 2003). Then mail back the ballot in a sealed envelope marked "Ballot" to the proper person, prior to the Annual Meeting. The ballot cannot be posted to the Web Page, due to obvious reasons. 



James Greenwade Poem - Possible Poem Contest? ...Susan Casby-Horton


In reviewing old issues of "Texas Soil Profiles", one occasionally comes across a composition so memorable that it merits re-publication.  The following poem was composed by James Greenwade in 1996 and appeared in the January 1997 newsletter.  It speaks to a Soil Scientist's spirit-

Alan called and said friend so dear,
You've been chosen to receive a trip to Freer
You'll see the Mu Grande deer,
Makes me wish I could drink beer.

Soils men from far and near,
Came to the Brush Country around here.
Ol' Fred, Jerry, Dave, Ramiro, Dennis & me
There is brush as far as you can see.

Soils with cemented petrocalcic horizons,
Something that was really surprising,
Siliceous gravel covers many a hill,
Digging there is quite a thrill.

Paul Holland was the leader of this humble crew,
Took us out one day and ran us through
A few of the soils we might find,
Really confused the feeble mind.

It had been dry here for many a day,
No grass left you might say.
And most soils are classified as Aridic,
And just being there was terrific.

We traversed the cinderos for many a day,
After two weeks we went our way.
As we left we heard Ramiro say,
Come back next spring for another stay.

Perhaps we should start a poem contest at the Annual Meeting, with each "poet" reciting his/her composition, followed by a voice vote.  Or we could publish submitted poems in the newsletter. 

Unleash the poet in yourself-



Want to see back issues of Texas Soil Profiles?

Click on the Hyperlinks below to view back issues that have been posted on the website.

Volume 17 No. 2 - August 1999
Volume 17 No. 3 - January 2000
Volume 18 No. 1 - March 2000
Volume 18 No. 2 - December 2000
Volume 18 No. 3 - January 2001
Volume 19 No. 1 - March 2001
Volume 20 No. 1 - April 2002
Volume 20 No.  3 - January 2003
Volume 21 No. 1 - April 2003

  Texas Soil Profiles is Edited By: Susan Casby-Horton

Texas Soil Profiles on the web - designed by: Ricky Lambert

Questions and comments on Texas Soil Profiles newsletter: Susan Casby-Horton or PSSAT<webmaster@pssat.org>