Texas Soil Profiles


Vol. 17 No.3

January 2000

Published by the Professional Soil Scientists Association of texas


In this Issue...


PSSAT Annual Meeting...... Jamey Douglass

Dues Reminder

Professional Soil Scientist Association of Texas Year 2000 Absentee Ballot Notice


PSSAT Annual Meeting

Yes folks, its that time already! Our President-Elect has been busy securing a place for the Annual Business Meeting, and he was successful. There is no chance that our meeting area will be overrun by a bikers club, this year!!!

The Holiday Inn, will be the site of our Annual Meeting, on February 9th, 6:00PM to 10:00PM. It's located on Texas Avenue, near the southeast corner of the campus. They will be serving a buffet at a measley cost of $10 per person.

PRESIDENT JONATHAN WIEDENFELD has this to offer for the Y2K PSSAT Annual Meeting.

Tentative Agenda for the Year 2000 Annual Business Meeting

6:00-6:30PM ......Committee Breakout

6:30-7:00PM ......Buffet Meal

7:00-7:30PM ......Guest Speaker (to be determined)

7:30-9:00PM ......Business Meeting

9:00-9:30PM ......Texturing Contest

9:30-9:45PM ......Results of Texturing Contest and Elections

9:45-10:00PM ....Changing of Gavel and Adjourn


Dues Reminder

For those of you who have yet to pay your dues, it is still not too late. Please send your dues to:

Nellie Frisbee

P. O. Box 498

Jewett, TX 75846



On the back of the Texas Soil Profiles Newsletter that was mailed to you, is the Absentee Ballot for Y2K. We will be electing two new persons for the office of Vice President and President-Elect.

If you are unable to attend this year's meeting, please cut out the ballot from the hardcopy Texas Soil Profiles that was mailed to you, and send your absentee ballot to Nellie Frisbee.

  Texas Soil Profiles is Edited By: Jamey Douglass

Texas Soil Profiles on the web - designed by: Ricky Lambert

Questions and comments on Texas Soil Profiles newsletter: Jamey Douglass or PSSAT<webmaster@pssat.org>