Texas Soil Profiles


Vol. 18 No. 2

December 2000

Published by the Professional Soil Scientists Association of Texas


In this Issue...


PSSAT Caps are Here!

Late Dues News

PSSAT Annual Meeting - 2001

PSSAT Elections


PSSAT Caps are Here!

President Dan Kowalski announces the debut of new PSSAT caps. Caps will be available at the Annual Meeting for a mere $10. New colors, fourteen styles, new logo, and all proceeds go to the Scholarship Fund. Get in line early!


Late Dues News

No, it's not too late to pay this year's dues. The cost is $10 per year. And donations are always welcome for the Scholarship Fund. If you are able, please send your dues to:

Nellie Frisbee

P. O. Box 498

Jewett, TX 75846


PSSAT Annual Meeting - 2001

The 2001 PSSAT Annual Meeting is scheduled for February 7th, 2001, at the Holiday Inn. For those who attended last year, it's the same place. A buffet will be served. The cost of the buffet is $10 per person, and a cash bar will be available. Dan has made sure the dessert table is well stocked. More information will be forthcoming in the January edition of Texas Soil Profiles.


PSSAT Elections

We all have in some way, experienced the woes of the Presidential Election process. Past President Jon Wiedenfeld is in the process of developing a slate of Officers for the Annual Meeting in February. Please consider answering the call to leadership in PSSAT. Jon promises "chad-free" ballots!


Want to see back issues of Texas Soil Profiles?

Click on the Hyperlinks below to view back issues that have been posted on the website.

Volume 17 No. 2 - August 1999
Volume 17 No. 3 - January 2000
Volume 18 No. 1 - March 2000

  Texas Soil Profiles is Edited By: Jamey Douglass

Texas Soil Profiles on the web - designed by: Ricky Lambert

Questions and comments on Texas Soil Profiles newsletter: Jamey Douglass or PSSAT<webmaster@pssat.org>