Pay Dues

You can pay your membership dues three ways:

  • Online, using either the buttons below or by through the invoice sent to your email. To pay through the website, click on how you’d like to pay (PayPal or other) under the appropriate membership level. (Convenience fees are included.)
  • By check, made out to PSSAT, mailed to Treasurer – see below
  • In person, at the annual meeting

Dues are payable to the Treasurer by the date of the annual meeting. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your dues please contact Travis Waiser at

Mail check to:

Travis Waiser
Professional Soil Scientists Association of Texas
146 Deer Park Lane
Kerrville, TX 78028

Notes about paying dues:

  • Clicking the one of the buttons below will navigate away from the PSSAT website to the website for PayPal, etc.  Options may vary depending on whether you’re using a computer or mobile device.
  • You will receive a receipt from the PayPal site after the transaction is complete.
  • The additional $25 for the sustaining membership dues directly support the scholarship fund.
  • If paying by check, any amount over $25 will be considered a donation to the scholarship fund.
  • When paying dues online, through the website or invoice, a convenience of approximately $1.50 for Regular Membership and $2.50 for Sustaining Membership is included.

Select the membership level that you would like to pay dues for below.

Pay Regular Membership Dues – $26.50

Pay Sustaining Membership Dues – $52.50

Pay Student Membership Dues – $11.00

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