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Texas Soil Profiles |
Vol. 22 No. 2 |
January 2005 |
Published by the Professional Soil Scientists Association of Texas |
In this Issue... |
2004 PSSAT Officers 2005 PSSAT Annual Meeting Information Scholarship Committee Report...Nathan Haile Treasurer's Report...Kelly Attebury Smithsonian Exhibit Committee Update ...Ted M. Zobeck, PhD, USDA-ARS 2005 PSSAT Annual Meeting Absentee Ballot Special Section: Who are these people and what was that year? |
2004 PSSAT Officers President - Ted Zobeck
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2005 PSSAT Annual Meeting Information The 2005 PSSAT Annual Meeting will be held at the G. Rollie White Visitor Center located at the Texas A&M Animal Science Complex on Wednesday, February 9, 2005. This facility is located 5 miles west of the main Texas A&M campus on Texas Highway 60 (west of College Station). Enter the complex and turn towards the flags. Follow the road around and turn at the first right into the parking lot. The Visitor Center is across from the parking lot. As in the past, a social hour will begin at 6:00 p.m., and PSSAT will provide soft drinks and ice. Also, the Soil Texturing Contest will begin during the social hour. A catered dinner ($8.00/person plus tax) will be served at 7:00 p.m., and the Annual Business Meeting will commence at approximately 7:30 p.m. The election of officers, awarding of our annual scholarship, and committee reports will be the topics of discussion. We will also have a presentation on the upcoming 2005 National Cooperative Soil Survey Conference that will be held in Corpus Christi in May 2005. Please RSVP for the evening meal with Maurice Jurena at 979-567-6964 or maurice.jurena@tx.usda.gov. Maurice needs an accurate head count of members planning to attend the Annual Meeting. In your response, please indicate if your spouse or date will attend. REMINDER!Committee Chairpersons please remember to send Vice-President Alan Stahnke a copy of your annual report prior to the meeting! | |
Scholarship Committee The PSSAT scholarship committee received four very well qualified applicants for the 2005 Soil Science Scholarship. Applications were received from students from Texas Tech, Texas A & M, Texas A&M Kingsville, and Tarleton State University. Each applicant was ranked based on their career objectives, educational achievements, and leadership qualities. The committee also reviewed two reference letters for each student. This year the scholarship was awarded to Roel Guerra, Jr. He is a senior at Texas A&M University at Kingsville and will be graduating in August, 2005. Roel has worked as a student trainee soil scientist with NRCS for the past 5 years. He plans to start a full-time career with NRCS after graduation. |
Treasurer's Report
ANOTHER REMINDER! At the recommendation of Alan Newman, each newsletter edition will have a reminder for members to pay their dues. Alan also suggested that we include the Treasurer’s name and address. So, if you will not be attending the Annual Meeting in February 2005, please mail your dues to: Kelly Attebury, PSSAT Treasurer |
New Members
Smithsonian Exhibit Committee Update Ted M. Zobeck, PhD, USDA-ARS, Texas Smithsonian Soils Exhibit Liaison The Smithsonian Soils Exhibit Committee had a conference call meeting on December 15, 2004 to discuss current giving level and activities of the committee. We discussed our goal and decided that a $10,000 goal was easily achievable but what we really need to do is contribute more than any other state. This puts us up against California, which has about $13,000 so far. Valerie Breunig, ASF director of Development, joined our meeting and reported that we currently have $6,905.45 in our account. Ted pointed out that the Golden Spread Chapter of SWCS is sending a $1,000 check on December 15. One of our committee members pledged $1,000 more during the meeting. Ted also reported that $3,000 more has been pledged but not sent in yet. WE ARE ON OUR WAY! The committee had a very good brain-storming session on prospects and volunteers to contact the prospects. Please let Ted know if you have any ideas of possible prospects for the committee to contact. The committee is working on an exhibit brochure customized for Texas and hope to have it available by the time of the PSSAT meeting in February. Ted encouraged everyone to contribute at some level. If anyone would like to give a PowerPoint presentation on the Smithsonian Soils Exhibit please contact Ted Zobeck (tzobeck@ttu.edu). Thank you for doing your part to educate the public on the importance of soils. |
2005 PSSAT Annual Meeting Absentee Ballot |
If you are unable to attend the Annual Meeting and would like to cast an absentee vote, please return the Absentee Ballot to Kelly Attebury, PSSAT Treasurer, 2310 30th Street, Lubbock, TX 79411, in a sealed envelope marked "BALLOT" prior to the Annual Meeting. Please make sure that you indicate your name on the return address of the mailing envelope for ballot verification. |
ABSENTEE BALLOT President-Elect __ David Weindorf ____________________________________ Vice President __ Stacy Kloesel ____________________________________ Treasurer __ Jamey Douglass ____________________________________ Editor __ Susan Casby-Horton ____________________________________ |
Want to see back issues of Texas Soil Profiles? Click on the Hyperlinks below to view back issues that have been posted on the website. Volume 17 No. 2 - August 1999 | |
![]() Texas Soil Profiles on the web - designed by: Ricky Lambert Questions and comments on Texas Soil Profiles newsletter: Susan Casby-Horton or PSSAT<webmaster@pssat.org> |
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