Educational Materials      
  There are many books and other printed materials that cover a wide range of soil topics. We have a list of publications that you can refer to for more information.      
  S.K. Worm, from the USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service. The site has several questions students can work through to learn more about soils.      
  NASA's Soil Science Education Page. There are great exercises for grade school children. Included are: "How Much Soil Is There?", "Dr. Soil Learning Activity," and "Secrets Hidden in Soil."      
  Earth Science Week (October 14-20, 2007). The Earth Science Week Information Kit contains materials to assist geoscientists, teachers, librarians, and youth leaders in preparing for Earth Science Week. The kit includes several colorful, educational posters and bookmarks, a helpful ideas and activities booklet, and a CD-ROM.      
  Online Course - The Pedosphere and Its Dynamics. A college-level, free online course that does a good job covering soil science. From the University of Alberta.      
  The Microbe Zoo - DirtLand. This web site was was created with support from the National Science Foundation and the Center for Microbial Ecology at Michigan State University.      
  Educational Materials from the Texas office of the USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service.      

  Sustaining Our Soils and Society, by T.E. Loynachan, K.W. Brown, T.H. Cooper, and M.H. Milford. 1999. AGI Environmental Awareness Series, 2. American Geological Institute. Alexandria, VA. (64 pages, softcover).
  • Uses great illustrations and non-technical language
  • Includes an 18" X 24" poster (has student activity illustrated on back)
  • Selected chapter titles: Why Soils are Important, Soils and Construction, Food and Fiber Production, and Improving and Sustaining our Soils.
  Soil Biology Primer, published by the Soil and Water Conservation Society. 2000. In cooperation with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. Ankeny, IA. (48 pages, softcover).
  • Excellent photographs of soil organisms
  • Topics: The Soil Food Web, Fuctions of Soil Organisms (soil bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes, arthropods, and earthworms)
Urban Soils Primer, published by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, click here for PDF form or hardcopy ordering instructions.
  The Soil Science Society of America offers a book series and special publications.
  Dirt: The Ecstatic Skin of the Earth, by William Bryant Logan. 1995. Riverhead Books. New York, NY.
  Soil Science Simplified, 4th ed., by Helmut Kohnke and D.P. Franzmeier. 1995. Waveland Press, Inc. Prospect Heights, IL.
  Out of the Earth: Civilization and the Life of the Soil, by Daniel Hillel. 1991. University of California Press. Berkeley, CA.
  The Nature and Property of Soils, 12th ed., by Nyle C. Brady and Ray R. Weil. 1998. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle, NJ.
  The Soul of Soil, 4th ed., by Joe Smillie and Grace Gershuny. 1999. Chelsea Green Publishing Company. White River Junction, VT.
  Saving our Soil: Solutions for Sustaining Earth's Vital Resource, by James Glanz. 1995. Johnson Printing. Boulder, CO.
  Earth: The Stuff of Life, 2nd ed., by Firman E. Bear, H. Wayne Pritchard, and Wallace E. Akin. 1986. University of Oklahoma Press. Norman, OK.

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Last updated on 02/12/2006